How popular is King Arthur? How much does the legend infiltrate our daily lives? Did you know that a range of woodworking tools is named after King Arthur and the members of his court? Guinevere is a set of sanding tools. Merlin is a set of discs, Lancelot is some kind of chainsaw and Squire is one of these.......

So what is, or was, a squire? In the earliest form of the word a squire was a servant to a knight. Usually he was a high-born boy serving a kind of apprenticeship on his way to a knighthood of his own. Noble medieval boys were not exactly "mamma's boys". They were sent away from home at the age of seven to serve as pages in other noble houses. At the age of 14 they could begin their apprenticeship as a squire to a knight and some seven years later they could be knighted.
In the earliest Arthurian legends we are shown Arthur acting as squire to Sir Kay. Most probably he was a foster child in Sir Hector's household and worked as a page and then was promoted to squire. His role as squire to Sir Kay is downplayed in later versions of the story and in fact Sir Kay himself is sidelined. This could be because Arthur, by pulling the sword from the stone, rose immediately from squire to king and put Sir Kay's nose out of joint.
In the earliest Arthurian legends we are shown Arthur acting as squire to Sir Kay. Most probably he was a foster child in Sir Hector's household and worked as a page and then was promoted to squire. His role as squire to Sir Kay is downplayed in later versions of the story and in fact Sir Kay himself is sidelined. This could be because Arthur, by pulling the sword from the stone, rose immediately from squire to king and put Sir Kay's nose out of joint.

Did Arthur have a squire? Although no consistent name is mentioned, it would have been impossible for Arthur to function without a squire. At the most basic level, it is impossible to put on a suit of plate armor without assistance. A squire had a number of duties in war and peace. He was responsible for the care of the knight's horses and armaments, for waiting at the table, for providing entertainment with music and dancing, and for accompanying the knight into battle, usually to hold his banner. The only name consistently given to Arthur's squire is Griflet. He was later knighted by Arthur, which would be expected. In the early Lancelot Grail cycle, Sir Griflet is the knight that the dying King Arthur asks to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. Squiredom was just one step on the ladder of success.
So how did the term "Squire" change from this to this?

In the Middle Ages the word squire was only used to describe the young men being trained for knighthood but the term "esquire" was also in use to describe the Royal Esquires of the "Bodie". They were not young boys but the most senior servants in the royal household who accompanied the king everywhere (really everywhere including standing guard while the king took a bath.)
As the middle ages died and the pistol was invented, there was no need to train boys in the art of dressing a knight in armor. The title however, having been applied to the children of nobility, still carried respect and sometime in the 17th century it morphed into a title of respect for members of the gentry who owned a wide area of land and the largest house in the neighborhood. The title often went along with owning the local Manor House, especially if the owner had no other noble title.
As the middle ages died and the pistol was invented, there was no need to train boys in the art of dressing a knight in armor. The title however, having been applied to the children of nobility, still carried respect and sometime in the 17th century it morphed into a title of respect for members of the gentry who owned a wide area of land and the largest house in the neighborhood. The title often went along with owning the local Manor House, especially if the owner had no other noble title.

By the 18th century the title of squire began to appear in literature referring to important local landowners. One of the best known squires of the period is Squire Trelawney who accompanied Jim and Long John Silver on their adventure to Treasure Island.
The term squire also has a friendly application, particularly among Londoners who will often use the term "squire" in place of mate, pal, or chum. See Monty Python for frequent use of the term. See Nudge Nudge Wink Wink for the opening line of "evening squire"
The term squire also has a friendly application, particularly among Londoners who will often use the term "squire" in place of mate, pal, or chum. See Monty Python for frequent use of the term. See Nudge Nudge Wink Wink for the opening line of "evening squire"

In the US, attorneys are usually given the title "esquire" . This was borrowed from the British where barristers are called esquire, but not solicitors. It also comes from the custom of the local squire being called upon to act as magistrate or justice of the peace. The connection to attorneys may have evolved from the time when squires were the people who met to negotiate time and place of a duel, but could quite often act as peacemakers.

And back to the question of why Cameran Diaz is posing for a magazine named Esquire. I have no idea! But here's Angelina Jolie on the same gig.
It's enough to turn a young boy's head. In Excalibur Rising First Chronicle, a young boy goes seriously astray.
It's enough to turn a young boy's head. In Excalibur Rising First Chronicle, a young boy goes seriously astray.